by Dr. Dennis Mugimba

On the morning of 25th May 2016, I had a dream in which I was walking with a couple of Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members when we arrived in a compound that had two mango trees. I looked at the trees and exclaimed, "Look, the trees have finally brought forth fruit." The mangoes were really huge. We picked the mangoes, ate and took some away on trays to serve other people who were not with us then.

On the morning of 26th May 2016; I had a related dream. In the dream, I was driving a big vehicle (Land Cruiser) with Mrs Joan Isoke. I asked Joan, "So, what is God saying?" I then told Joan, "Yesterday morning, the LORD gave me a dream in which Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members were picking mangoes from two mango trees that had taken long to bear fruit ..."

As soon as I begun speaking about that dream of 25th May, Joan and I suddenly found ourselves walking through an orchard with several mango trees that had many ripe mangoes of various sizes. I continued to describe to Joan how LAT members picked mangoes yesterday. Every time I would describe to Joan an action of LAT members yesterday as they picked mangoes, Joan and I would experience that action right then in this orchard. Joan picked mangoes; and ate to her fill. 

On our way out of the orchard, we met a gentleman called Peter who jokingly asked us where we got the mangoes from. As I turned to show him the orchard, at that moment I realized the mangoes were falling from the trees like rain because they were abundant.


Dream #1: - harvest season for Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) corporately. 

Dream #2: - confirmation of dream #1; but more so affirmation that I saw/heard correctly from the Spirit. Remember, when I started narrating the 1st dream to Joan, we would immediately be translated into the experience of dream #1. Again, abundance of mango trees that were ready for harvest and Joan eating of them points to the fact that as Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) we are already harvesting corporately; just as individuals are.

 "And the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass." (Gen. 41:32)