by Prophet Paul Jasier Samuel as written by Denise Uwamwezi
In a dream on 21st September 2016, I met Pastor Moses who told me about his Q&A (question and answer) interview with the Daily Monitor concerning his book (Financial Prosperity) that is coming soon. As we spoke, I had a vision within the dream.
In that vision, I saw four people in different places reading Pastor Moses' book. For the first person I saw, a fire leaped out of the book into him. For the second person, a wind from the book blew into him. For the third person, light beamed from the pages of the book. And for the last individual, a spirit leaped out from the book into him.
All the people I saw reacted differently as the words from the book came alive inside them; some cried, while others laughed. It was evident that every individual that read that book on Financial Prosperity received a spiritual impartation.
Glory to God.
Application of the dream:
It is very important for us the body of Christ to ready ourselves for Pastor Moses' book "Financial Prosperity - Breaking The Back Of Poverty."
It is obvious from the dream that this book is coming with the prosperity anointing. As we prepare for its release on 18th December 2016, let us also take part in seeing it published, released and distributed.
Remember, God anointed Pastor Moses as the Financial Prosperity President of Uganda, and his book has God's signature, as clearly evidenced in the dream.