by Apostle John E Eziel
On 26th June 2016, I dreamt Pastor Moses came with a picture (diagram) which he had received in a dream. He was requesting the church to give the interpretation of that complex picture. After several church members had tried, he asked me to try as well. Having no immediate answer, Prophets Dennis Mugimba and Paul J Samuel encouraged me. That's when I heard the Holy Spirit whisper the interpretation which is as follows:
By Prophet Dennis Mugimba
On the morning of Saturday; 11th June 2016 at about 4 a.m, I had the following dream.
I was with a group of people walking toward a place called "Area 18." I inquired amongst the people I was with what "Area 18" meant; and was told that it's gazetted as a restricted access area. It appeared as if the top-most leader of a nation lived in that place.