by Apostle John Enoch Eziel
On 5th June 2016 I had a dream in which there was a party celebrating a harvest. Most of the people were Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members. Rachel Ashaba and Sandra Twesigomwe stood at the front, each with a basket. Then the rest of the people were told, "Put gifts in their baskets and tap into the grace that God has put upon them." In the dream I knew very well it was a marriage grace that was upon Rachel and Sandra. Then as people lined up to offer their gifts, there was an angel who took on a form of a three year old child. This angel thanked and touched whoever gave a gift as a way of endorsing and confirming the harvest and grace they had tapped into.
Part of the harvest this season is marriage; since Sandra and Rachel are soon getting married, God has put them there to be a channel for others to also be blessed in that area, through the principle of giving and receiving. According to this dream giving to Sandra and Rachel is the way to partake of this grace, not prayer or any other thing!
by Dr. Dennis Mugimba
On the morning of 25th May 2016, I had a dream in which I was walking with a couple of Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members when we arrived in a compound that had two mango trees. I looked at the trees and exclaimed, "Look, the trees have finally brought forth fruit." The mangoes were really huge. We picked the mangoes, ate and took some away on trays to serve other people who were not with us then.
On the morning of 26th May 2016; I had a related dream. In the dream, I was driving a big vehicle (Land Cruiser) with Mrs Joan Isoke. I asked Joan, "So, what is God saying?" I then told Joan, "Yesterday morning, the LORD gave me a dream in which Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members were picking mangoes from two mango trees that had taken long to bear fruit ..."