by Juliana Nantaba

In May 2015 I dreamt we were at church. I and the worship team were standing at the front. I saw Pastor Moses' wife Geraldine standing towards the back on the side where I sit. She had a microphone and started to sing a song which I felt I knew though she sang it differently. Because of that I could not sing along, until she started to sing "SHOWERS OF BLESSING" - that's when I joined her in singing. She sang while walking to the front and raising the hand that was not holding the microphone. In the dream, it seemed like we only sang "SHOWERS OF BLESSING, SHOWERS OF BLESSING we need."

by  Rogers Kisambira

I dreamt on 21st May 2015 that Judith Kansiime (not real names) was getting married. We were at church but it was a normal church service not a wedding service. Judith and her husband to be were dressed casual smart. Both had prepared a dance presentation for the Church. When the Pastor invited them and they begun dancing, I realised that Judith was a good dancer - better than her fiancée, she was even more excited than him. When they were done, the pastor prayed for them and they were slain. The rest of us were asked to TAP INTO THE ANOINTING which was being released - a MARRIAGE ANOINTING it was. Many other people were slain as the pastors prayed for people.


There is a marriage anointing in Last Adam Tabernacle. All single people who desire to get married will surely get married, if they tap into that marriage anointing.

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