I was walking so fast through a big crowd in order to catch up with Elvis Mbonye. A distance behind me in the same crowd was my less than two-year-old daughter Eden. She was on her own, like a little tree in a large forest of very tall trees. All she had with her was her milk bottle in her mouth, lost in a multitude – while her father strove ahead to catch up with Elvis Mbonye.

I had the above dream in either 2012 or 2013. When I awoke, I was filled with great sadness because I had forsaken my only daughter then, in pursuit of becoming as prophetic as my best friend at the time – Elvis Mbonye – before he turned into a devil worshipper. That was the message of the dream.

You see, at that time I was spending so much time in prayer, yet some of that time was supposed to be spent with my baby girl. God was definitely not amused with that, however good my intentions were. He wanted me to cut down on spending time in prayer (which by the way is sometimes different from spending time with Him like it was in my case then) so that I could spend time with a baby girl I asked Him for and He gave me. Eden needed her dad; but he had neglected her in his pursuit of ‘prophetic’ greatness.

I believe I was like most parents. We run after every other thing so that we can become great. We neglect our children as we pursue career. We have abandoned our little ones ‘mbu’ we are looking for money to take better care of them. Well, if you are a bad parent like I was then (assuming I changed my ways), know that God ‘ain’t’ amused with you.

One of the good things COVID-19 should bring your way is more time with your children. This has already happened in my case. I am now a home school teacher/facilitator to my two girls Eden and Abigail. When all schools in the country closed because of the pandemic, their school devised ways for them to continue their academic education at home as long as there is an adult who can facilitate that process full-time. Well, this has worked out for my good. I am bonding with my little ladies, and they are obviously enjoying their daddy-teacher. Daddy-teacher is somehow on leave from pursuing deep spirituality (smile).

Similarly, last Sunday COVID-19 necessitated that we have church at home as a family. Eden said the opening prayer, her sister Abigail led one of the songs and then we all ‘shut up’ and listened to my pre-recorded sermon ‘The Good from COVID-19 for God-Lovers’. I then wisely avoided explaining to the girls how good can come out of the Coronavirus pandemic by delegating that session to my wife Geraldine. I hope you know that good leaders delegate. Eden then fired questions at her mother which she ‘fought’ to answer. ‘Nze’ I kept laughing softly as my wife did her best to convince Eden that good can come out of a disease.

Yes, COVID-19 has created an opportunity for me to spend more time with my daughters and of course my wife.

My message to you is: God wants you to spend time with your children; COVID-19 has provided that grand opportunity; do not miss it. Our children will grow and develop much better in all ways if only we give them more quality time. Our little ones need us more than the money we are supposedly making to buy them expensive things, whose money’s worth they neither understand nor appreciate. If we do not take this advice to heart, we will one day regret. We shall gain the whole world, but end up losing our children.

God help you.