An acquaintance of mine had a friend (call him Stephanos) who gradually took on a character very unlike a Christian. Everything about Stephanos became of the Devil. This week, while I pondered on what could have turned this once godly man into a son of Belial, I had a very short dream. In the dream, my acquaintance told me that once, while Stephanos was reading a newspaper, demons entered him.

I believe that this dream is either the complete or partial answer that I needed. Stephanos’ change of character was as a result of demonic activity inside his heart. The demons gained access into his heart when he interested himself, and indulged in whatever evil was in that newspaper he was reading.

Now, we who really desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus should learn all that we can from Stephanos’ sad story. We must never get comfortable reading evil stuff. More so, we should never give ourselves over to dirty music, movies or any such thing that pollutes the mind and heart. The demons that gradually destroyed Stephanos entered his heart while he gave himself over to dirtiness. We too might become the next victims of demonic manipulation if we do not flee from such evils.  Let us heed the Bible when it says, “Abstain from every form of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

I am reminded of Stephen Langa, the Executive Director of Family Life Network, who years ago taught us of STDs that are not sexually transmitted diseases, but rather sexually transmitted demons. You see, every time we indulge our minds or bodies in that which is not godly, we are more than likely going to contract ‘a demon or two’ by which we might be destroyed or even made to fall from the faith. For it is written, “To whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey” (Romans 6:16).

Therefore, my brothers and sisters, “Keep (GUARD) your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). The enemy of your soul, the devil, is after your heart. If he can gain entry therein, his chances of destroying you are very high. Therefore, do not indulge yourself in anything dirty including newspapers, movies and music. Do all you can to guard your heart.

God keep you.