Although we have been taught that the phrase “Jehovah Jireh” from Genesis 22:14 means “God provides,” we must also know that it actually literally means “God/Jehovah sees” in the Hebrew language. God has been LAT’s Jehovah Jireh. He always sees to it that all our church’s financial needs are taken care of. For that, (and many other things), we need to thank Him.

An example of our God’s seeing to it that LAT is provided for financially is last Sunday’s offertory. That offertory was not only enough to cover the weekly expenses, but will also take care of another week – after taking off the tithe, and 10% savings. Although such abundant giving has happened countless times before, last Sunday’s stood out for me because for the last couple of weeks the offertory could not cover the weekly expenses. Rachel our administrator would use the little savings she keeps on her, which savings were dwindling real fast. So when this big offertory came in, on a Sunday of the month when the offertory is routinely low, I couldn’t but see the work of Jehovah Jireh, seeing to it that LAT never lacks. Glory be to His name!

At this juncture I want to thank all of you for partnering with Jehovah Jireh by your generous giving. You will never know what a burden you lift off the church leadership by your monies, little or much. May He who sees to the needs of LAT also provide for you in all things. May He manifest Himself to you as Jehovah Jireh, just as He has done with your church LAT. Amen.

God bless you.