The monstrous attack against Israel by the terrorist Hamas that happened on Saturday 7th October 2023 has led to a war. The worse news is that this war between Israel and Hamas has the potential of becoming a regional war in which several Arab states team up with Hamas, while the United States and several European nations join forces with Israel. Today’s visit by Joe Biden to Israel, immediately after Anthony Blinken has been there twice in less than two weeks, goes to show that the global powers see the possibility of that regional war, and they are doing their best to prevent it.

If this regional war happens, many more innocent lives will be lost, many people will be severely injured, and millions will be displaced from their homes, just to mention a few consequences. For nations that will geographically be distant from that conflict, we too shall definitely be affected in many ways, especially economically and financially. (The Middle East is the biggest producer and supplier of the world’s oil). More so, all over the world, relationships between pro-Jews and pro-Palestinians, and those of Christians and Muslims will further go sour. A regional war in the Middle East is definitely a terrible thing for the world.

Now, you and I do not wield any political power that can influence the direction the current Israel-Hamas war takes. However, we have an audience with the God who rules over nations (Psalm 22:28), and like rivers can turn the hearts of world leaders wherever He wishes (Proverbs 21:1). Let us petition Him to help Israel speedily win the war before it becomes regional. Remember that it is Israel who was attacked by a terrorist organization (Hamas) whose ultimate goal is to kill all Jews in Israel and wipe Israel off the map of the world. We have more power over the affairs of the Middle East than world leaders like Biden and Blinken. Let us therefore use that power for the good of Israel and the world at large. Let us pray.

God bless you.