At last week’s Thursday prayer meeting, we continued to “PUSH” regarding the promise our church received from God. We also prayed that God heals the sick in our midst, and also our loved ones who are unwell.

Today being a public holiday when many of us aren’t expected at our workplaces, I hope that we shall create time to continue praying regarding the two issues above – our church promise, and healing. Concerning the latter, please remember to pray for Rachel Wamai’s mother. She is very unwell and therefore she is being managed in Intensive Care Unit. Rachel and her husband Mark are a huge blessing to the church. We must therefore stand with them – especially in prayer – during this time of need.

Kindly resist the temptation of getting so busy today before you put in some time to “PUSH”. Public holidays like today give us extra time to rest, and to work on personal things. But most importantly such days accord us more time to spend time with God. And for us as LAT in this season, spending time with God should include “PUSH” for LAT, and for the sick.

God bless you.