You will never meet an individual who does not want to succeed in life because God never created any such people. There is an innate, Godly desire in every person to accomplish something worthwhile whether of obvious outward significance or otherwise. This urge to succeed is not evil, it was implanted in us by a successful God who after He created all things was pleased by them, sat back and said it was all good, then rested. Even when the Fall happened, He immediately got working to succeed in the restoration of creation to its original state and purpose. Because God is a God of success, man – who was created in His image – whether born again or still in the fallen state, possesses that attribute that inwardly cries for success.

Read more: Attaining Eternal Success (27th Mar 2019)

Many years ago, on the last day of a 12-hour forty-day fast, I heard the distinct audible voice of God. The Voice said, “Guard jealously what you have received.” A year later, on the last day of another 12-hour forty-day fast, I was with a group of Makerere University Main Scripture Union students on Buvuma Island for an evangelistic mission. Our prayer leader repeatedly told us in Luganda that morning, “Kuuma ekyo kyofunye” which when translated means, “guard that which you have received.” So you can see, how on two occasions, in different ways and languages, God admonished me to keep and guard what He had given me. But what was I to keep and guard? I later learnt that He was referring to the calling and anointing for ministry. He reminded me of a teaching by Roberts Liardon in which he said, “Guard jealously the call, the anointing you have received; fight for it in the realm of the spirit; never let it go.” It was the same thing that Paul told his spiritual son Timothy: “That good thing which was committed to you, keep by the Holy Spirit” (2 Timothy 1:14).

Read more: Jealously Guard Your Vision (20th Mar 2019)