On 28th November 2018, Last Adam Tabernacle started a three-part Bible Study series on Eschatology - the study of the end times preceding the coming of the Kingdom.

Below are the audio files for each session

Eschatology Kept Simple, Part 1: Audio

Eschatology Kept Simple, Part 2: Audio

Eschatology Kept Simple, Part 3: Audio

Starting 12th September 2018, Last Adam Tabernacle embarked on a study of the Bible using the book Financial Prosperity - Breaking the back of Poverty by Dr. Moses B. Musinguzi

Below are the lesson outlines and audio files for each session

Lesson 1: What is Financial Prosperity? Outline | Audio

Lesson 2: Avoiding Shipwreck Outline | Audio

Lesson 3: The Foundation of Love Outline | Audio

Lesson 4: Financial Giving Outline | Audio

Lesson 5: Tithing Outline | Audio

Lesson 6: Breaking the Back of Poverty Outline | Audio

Lesson 7: I Will Bless the Works of Your Hands Outline | Audio

Lesson 8: Obedience Outline | Audio


Starting 8th November 2017, Last Adam Tabernacle embarked on a study of the Bible using the book The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

Below are the lesson outlines and audio files for each session

Lesson 1: Church Civil War Part 1 - Unity Outline | Audio

Lesson 2: Church Civil War Part 2 - The Word of God Outline | Audio

Lesson 3: Church Civil War Part 3 - Levels On The Mountain Outline | Audio

Read more: The Final Quest