If you attended the Thursday and Sunday services, then it is not news that God has once again asked us to have a worship service. If you missed those services, now you know. But you also need to appreciate how God spoke to us about this service.

As I prayed in tongues during Thursday’s prayer meeting, my mind kept wandering back to two particular Sunday services.

The first service was our 5th church anniversary celebration on 8th September 2019. That service can best be summarized by Asha B. Jumba’s testimony which featured in my 11th September 2019 article entitled: LAT 5th Anniversary: God In His House. Here is Asha’s testimony:

In November 2000, a month after receiving Jesus Christ, I had my first dream of Him. I dreamt I was in a room which had many mirrors. In one mirror, Jesus appeared to me and told me, "I will always be with you". The room was filled with the Lord’s presence.

I held on to that dream for a very long time because of those reassuring words that Jesus will always be with me, and also because of the strong presence of God I experienced. However, as time went by, I forgot about the dream.

Now, here is something amazing: As we worshipped the Lord during the anniversary service on 8th September, I experienced the presence of God just as I did in the dream I had nineteen years ago. That is when I recalled the dream. I even began crying. When I opened my eyes, I saw the mirrors which were part of the decoration. I had not noticed those mirrors when I entered church. In fact, I had never seen mirrors in a church. This was like a dream being replayed.

Related Links:

LAT 5th Anniversary: God In His House
When God Swore to You

Related Sermon:


More so, as I listened to Pastor’s sermon, I was awestruck to realize that the call to build God a great, famous and magnificent house came to him in November 2000, the month and year I had had the dream of a glory-filled room with many mirrors. This was too much for me!

The second Sunday service that kept engaging my mind on Thursday was the one we held on 27th October 2019. If you recall, that service was in response to two dreams Esther Mayani had, in which God was asking us to have a glory-filled worship Sunday. When we obeyed Him, He then swore that everything He ever said LAT would be in the future will by all means come true. I wrote about this in my 30th October 2019 article (When God Swore To You).

While praying on Thursday, I kept asking God why He was bringing to remembrance these two services. When I realized that the common denominator with both of them was worship, I hesitantly concluded that God was asking us for another worship service. I then told those in attendance what I thought I heard from God and that we should hold this service as soon as possible. I chose 1st March after factoring in time for the worship team to do their preparations. Juliana our worship leader then informed her entire team to ‘get ready’.

However, the following day Friday, I doubted whether I had really heard from God concerning the worship service. I therefore informed Juliana to call off the worship team’s preparations until further notice.

However, on Sunday, Hillary Turyagyenda, who did not attend the Thursday prayer meeting, and had no clue about what had transpired, decided to teach about worshipping God. How louder could God be!

If you are like me, you should know by now that this 1st March 2020 worship service is a serious matter to God, given how He has communicated it to us. Therefore, let us seriously prepare for it. Let us pray for our worship team to choose and sing the songs God would want them to. And let us pray that every one of us shall avail ourselves on that day and that we shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

In the meantime, do not think you are a sinner if you feel good about our worship team and worship. By God asking for another worship service means that He greatly delights in our worship and highly regards the team responsible for it. Therefore, go ahead and unreservedly feel good that God ‘feels’ our worship.

Glory to His excellent name.