By Dr Dennis Mugimba
On the morning of Thursday 8th June 2017, I dreamt I was in a place where a Jewish give-away ceremony was taking place. In attendance were several Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) single ladies and a dark-skinned slender lady who sings in the Zoe Worship Team.
Someone instructed me to dance with the brides-to-be. As I walked to the dance floor, the single lady in the Zoe Worship Team locked with me in one arm, whereas Marble (pseudonym) from LAT locked in my other arm. After a brief moment of a Jewish dance with the two ladies, I released the lady from the Zoe choir first and then Marble.
Interpretation by Pastor Moses
What Dennis did not know at that time is that the slender lady in the Zoe Worship Team is actually getting married soon. That he released her first and then Marble, means that Marble too must get married. Since the dream involved brides-to-be (plural), it means that it is not only Marble who will rejoice as a bride, but several of LAT and Zoe members.
This dream shows another wave of the marriage anointing has come to LAT. Glory to God. The first wave affected several individuals including Sandra Twesigomwe and Rachel Ashaba who God referred to as the first fruits. At that time, God promised that all those who would be a blessing to Rachel and Sandra were to partake of that anointing. Well, the time for the fulfilment of that promise has come; we are going to rejoice again.