by Pastor Moses Musinguzi
On Friday morning, the 25th of November 2016, I dreamt I was taking a walk around Lake Merritt in Oakland California. While there, I found a group of Christians praying, who I joined.
The area we were praying from was surrounded by trees, on top of which were police officers. These officers looked young; and they were there not only to guard us, but also to learn some things as they watched us pray.
by Priscilla Mubbala
On the morning of 9th October 2016, I had a dream in which we were at Last Adam Tabernacle (it was a church service ) and there were gifts being distributed. Every LAT member had a gift with their name on it. Some were anklets, I saw some necklaces in small jewelry boxes. However some gifts were wrapped in big boxes. There was such excitement as everyone had a gift with their name on it. I saw Evelyn Tushabe among the people distributing the gifts that had come in.