by Apostle John E Eziel
On 1st August 2016, I had a dream in which I was with Pastor Moses and Prophet Paul seated somewhere. All of a sudden I saw a screen on which was a man preaching in a fresh way like Oral Roberts. Then Pastor and Paul told me that is Roberts Liardon. Liardon then said, "The Marriage Anointing is going to increase so much in LAT." In the dream I perceived that he spoke that because he knew of the success of the weddings of Rachel and Sandra - the first fruits of the previous marriage anointing.
by Prophet Dennis Mugimba
On the morning of July 22nd 2016 at about 4 a.m, I dreamt a large group of Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members (I remember seeing Flora with her trademark smile) were in a wide expanse of land packed with all our belongings - property and livestock and there were three or so trailers loaded with fuel. For some reason, in the dream, it appeared as if we were approaching the Sea.