Very often, Satan strikes just after a great testimony, and around times of major transition. Those moments of attack are in accordance with 1 Corinthians 16:9 which Joan Isoke highlighted on Sunday 19th May. We are no exception to that verse. But we shall survive and even thrive.

Read more: 2024: PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens, Part 18 (29th May 2024)

In praying for LAT-2025 we are addressing one of the components of a larger vision that we have us a church. Our real church vision which I received on 29th June 2000 is “Christ for The Nations”, which is written in our DNA as: “we bring God’s salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). This means that even our becoming a house of the LORD of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations (1 Chronicles 22:5) as God told me on 2nd November 2000, falls under “Christ for the Nations”.

Read more: 2024: PUSH – Pray Until Something Happens, Part 17 (22nd May 2024)

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