On Thursday last week we continued to pray that God’s will concerning our church comes to pass. Involved in that is what God wants for us in 2025. On that same day, one of us received a positive progress report dream from God. We are due to beat the 2025 deadline. Glory be to God.

This should encourage us to continue “pushing”. Our prayers are not in vain. Remember that the praying we are doing was called by God on 25th January 2024. This means two things: we are working with God, and God’s promise for our church must come to pass if we continue “pushing”.

Therefore, just as we were commanded, let us pray without ceasing, until something happens in the natural realm. Realize that in the spirit, we already have the victory. This is what the dream indicated. What we now need is seeing in the natural realm that which is already accomplished in the spiritual realm. We want God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is exactly why we were told in Dennis Mugimba’s dream that our “pushing” is establishing God’s will in our church.

God bless you.