In praying for LAT-2025 we are addressing one of the components of a larger vision that we have us a church. Our real church vision which I received on 29th June 2000 is “Christ for The Nations”, which is written in our DNA as: “we bring God’s salvation to the ends of the earth” (Isaiah 49:6). This means that even our becoming a house of the LORD of great magnificence and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations (1 Chronicles 22:5) as God told me on 2nd November 2000, falls under “Christ for the Nations”.
Now, according to what God spoke to Dennis Mugimba in a dream, in the spirit realm we have “arrived” at LAT-2025, definitely because of the PUSH-ing we have done since January this year. Glory be to God. And according to what God also spoke to me in two dreams, we are now commencing the time of walking in our real vision of “Christ for the Nations”. Hallelujah! More will be said about this on Sunday.
Our PUSH-ing now should be two-fold: 1) What is true of us in the spirit realm to become a reality in the natural realm, and 2) What we should do to make this happen.
We serve a faithful God.
God bless you.