I recently felt, for a few seconds, anxious about a certain promise God gave me “many many” years ago.  No sooner had I started on that journey of doubt than God spoke to me from the book Angels on Assignment concerning His faithfulness.

Read more: God Keeps His Promises; Fear Not (5th Feb 2020)

Last Sunday, in the sermon The Holy Spirit: Our Helper in 2020, Part 2, I preached about our need for God’s grace in order to abound in giving. Later in the day, Christine Mugimba narrated to me an experience she had with her daughters, particularly Grace-Joy, after the service. Their conversation will bless your heart even as you will further know that what we heard and learnt was indeed a word in due season from God to us.

Read more: Grace-Joy Mugimba on The Grace to Give and Its Joy (29th Jan 2020)