by Christine Atwaza

In May 2015 I had this dream: It was time for Pastor Moses to pray for people at church. He was seated at the front; people were lining up in two rows – one row was of those kneeling and the other was of those standing. I joined the ‘kneeling’ row, and when my turn came for the Pastor to pray for me he said, “THE DROUGHT IS OVER.” He then proceeded to write MARRIAGE on a paper he had. I knew he was telling me that IT IS ALL DONE concerning the two issues – finances and marriage.

I remember seeing Olive confirming what Pastor Moses was saying to me. At this point I mentioned to him of a couple that met and married within six months. When he finished praying for me he got up and said a general prayer for the rest of the people who were standing, since I was the last person in the ‘kneeling’ row.


This dream obvious specific message to the dreamer. It also conveyed a message to the rest of the members in Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT). Kneeling before someone often signifies respect. It's to that group that Pastor Moses gave special treatment. The message being that those who in a Godly manner honor and respect the Pastor, will partake of the marriage and prosperity anointings that are in LAT.