by Prophet Dennis Mugimba
On the morning of July 22nd 2016 at about 4 a.m, I dreamt a large group of Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT) members (I remember seeing Flora with her trademark smile) were in a wide expanse of land packed with all our belongings - property and livestock and there were three or so trailers loaded with fuel. For some reason, in the dream, it appeared as if we were approaching the Sea.
Then, as we reached the edge of the expanse, there was a deep valley with a road that was built of of a solid rock stretching as far as the eyes could see across the valley. The road had no cracks - just a single sheet stretching out but also had walls to the left and right as if holding back something from falling into the road. Prophet Paul Jaiser Samuel was at one end of the group directing people to follow me on the narrow road that headed to the valley.
Apostle John Eziel then appeared to me saying, "they can now cross." He handed me a long piece of paper that had the list of people who were going to cross the valley. Once we walked out of the valley, we arrived in our Promised Land immediately and I begun reading the names of people on the list one at a time to come forward and testify. The whole group testified - those who had children testified how the feeble "gifts" were strengthened as they walked through the valley.
While still in the dream, I could perceive the word "exodus" and "promised land" being said to me.
End of dream ~
Interpretation by Pastor Moses Musinguzi
As Apostle John Eziel said in the dream, our time to possess those things that God has promised individuals is now. The journey we have taken until now has worked for our good to make as spiritually strong to be able to partake of the promises. The time of fulfilment is not only for a few in LAT but all of us.
As represented by the roles different people in the dream played, different callings (especially the prophetic and apostolic callings) have played a central role in guiding people into their destinies as Christ remains our Way and the solid Rock on which we stand.