Whether Christians should tithe or not is a topic always debated but never settled by many Ugandans. In this article, I will, in a simple way, show you why you need to tithe. Then I will recommend who/where to give your tithes. ‘Prophet’ Elvis Mbonye will not be on that list of recommendations for reasons I will also give.

Abraham, the father of all who believe in Jesus as The Christ, gave tithes to Melchizedek the priest of God (Genesis 14:18-20). It is also written of our Lord Jesus, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” (Hebrews 7:17). That means, if you are a Christian, your High Priest is One like Melchizedek, to whom your father Abraham tithed. Therefore, since that Priest – Jesus – forever lives, you too, like Abraham, should always give Him your tithes. “Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives” (Hebrews 7:8).

In 2013, while asking God to increase my finances so that I could have more to give, I dreamt I topped my class in a Mathematics examination. I also got correct a hard question which had ‘ten’ as the answer. When I awoke, the Spirit gave me this interpretation: “You have done well in giving. You have also excelled in giving me ten percent of your income, something that is so difficult for My children”. That dream was an extra-biblical revelation illuminating the scriptural truth that God expects us to tithe.

Now, here are some places in Uganda that I believe are serving God, which you could make your home church and where your tithes can go. They are listed in no particular order.

1. Several Anglican churches like Church of the Resurrection in Bugolobi and St. Francis Chapel Makerere.
2. Several Deliverance churches like Makerere Hill Deliverance Church.
3. Several Full Gospel churches
4. United Christian Centre – Kasubi, currently under Pastor Stephen Senfuma. I listened to his dreams on finances and I was impressed. (https://youtu.be/eHkhIOQ_vdQ)
5. Victory City Church in Ntinda
6. Eagles Wings Ministry, currently under Prophet Alpha Munyantwari.

Here also are God’s reasons why Elvis Mbonye, who until mid-2017 was a true prophet, should not receive any money from you. I hate to say this, but Elvis, a man who once loved God like no other person I know, is now a false prophet. Concerning false prophets, Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16). Any honest person can evidently see that the fruits of Elvis and his ministry went terribly bad starting sometime last year. Many of his followers practice idolatry by worshipping him without restraint. They have called him God, bowed and kissed his shoes to his delight, prayed to his portraits, and confessed that God cannot do anything good for them without Elvis. They want the whole world to pay allegiance to one man – Mbonye. According to them, it is not enough for one to be a follower of Jesus; Christians everywhere must include Elvis Mbonye in their relationship with Jesus, the same way Roman Catholics pray to God through the saints. Many of Mbonye’s followers also demonstrate a Jihadist approach towards those who have walked away and those who have refused to join them. The verbal and psychological torture they unleash on other Christians is only found in Islam and cults. When I was best friends with Elvis, he never embraced such beliefs and practices. He changed when he got entangled in the occult sometime last year before the shoe-kissing ceremony. One day, people will realize that that event and its rituals were a public manifestation of a secret falling away from the Lord that had happened a few months earlier. That is why the whole body of Christ in Uganda was offended by that function – it was a satanic event. When, later, Pastor Gary Skinner said that it will not end well, he was ‘wrong’ – the end had already come, it was not in the future.

Although the fruits speak for themselves that there is something terribly evil with Elvis, I come to visions of the night – dreams – from God. I hope they will convince you to stop funding the Elvis cult with your tithes.

Around May 2017, a certain great apostle dreamt that he saw people giving Elvis money while he was in his car, donning a torn shirt. In the dream, all the people who gave him money instantly fell down dead and Elvis knew it. Many bodies were piled on top of each other. I pray God will reveal to you what that dream means.

In July 2017, a certain prophetic lady who prays at an Anglican church dreamt that there was a contest between Elvis and a little-known preacher. The audience was to judge who was a better ‘prosperity preacher’ in terms of doctrine and motives. No vote went to Elvis. Then another scene unfolded. The two preachers were standing on different sides of the cross of Jesus. On Elvis’ side, the cross was shading blood. On the other preacher’s side, the cross was shining bright and beautiful. This dream means that Jesus’ heart is bleeding, terribly hurt by how Elvis is abusing people financially.

Around August 2017, a certain businessman dreamt that he had put a team together to bid for a contract job. He included Elvis on the team. When the other partners saw Elvis’ name, they asked their colleague, “Why have you included this guy? His Curriculum Vitae (CV) used to work, but not anymore.”

Such dreams that are revealing the sad but true condition Elvis is in are so many. Unfortunately, many of the dreamers are talked out of their dreams by preachers and people who are benefitting from their direct or indirect association with Elvis. If these dreamers honestly considered the fruits of Elvis and his ministry, they would know that their dreams are from God, telling them to flee.

Well, I meant to tell you that you should tithe and to the right place or person, who is not Elvis Mbonye. If you are his funder and insist on continuing to do so, at least I have given you God’s opinion on the matter: 1) Elvis is abusing you financially, 2) Elvis is hurting the Lord, 3) Elvis’ CV no longer works like it used to, and 4) Whatever “falling down dead” means in the aforementioned dream will happen to you, if it has not yet happened. God has once again warned you.

Be blessed.