You believed and strongly held onto the promise given you. Years have come and gone yet the promise is not anywhere in sight. Well, take heart; you are neither alone nor the first to enroll in this school of waiting. Consider Eve: The promised Seed that would crush the serpent’s head for the redemption of mankind came millenniums later. Yes, Jesus could not come earlier than He did; He came right on time – in the fullness of time as the Bible calls it in Galatians 4:4. So will it be with you.

No matter how long it takes, God will fulfill His word and you will receive what was promised. The earlier you settle it in your heart that the fulfilment of some promises has a predetermined date, the better you will enjoy your life as you wait.

When babies are born before the right time, some survive and live normally thereafter, some die immediately, others die later, others survive and live but with crippling complications that disadvantage them later in life. In the same way, when promises are forced to come to pass before the fullness of time, they might ‘luckily’ survive with no issues, or die at birth, die later, or survive but with life-long burdens and pain. Before the fullness of time comes, we must resist the temptation of prematurely ‘giving birth’. Otherwise, we might later suffer unnecessarily.

There are always good reasons why God makes us wait before His promises come to pass. Sometimes He reveals the reasons and other times He does not. However, this one thing I am sure on God’s part: He works to put everything in place necessary for the safe birth and survival of the promise.

When a child is conceived in the womb, the mother starts planning for its healthy birth and survival. She will attend antenatal care clinics to receive knowledge of how to manage the pregnancy and how to prepare for the baby.  Normally she will avoid eating, drinking and inhaling things that might harm the unborn child. She will begin to pray for the baby. She will buy all manner of things to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child when it is born. That is the same thing with God; He prepares things way in advance, during our waiting period, so that the promise is born fully mature and able to thrive in the harsh conditions of this fallen world where Satan is god.

Therefore, it is for our own good that we wait patiently. Many lives and destinies have been messed up because people wanted quick things. We should give God the opportunity to prepare our blessings and the environment fit for their wellbeing.

Now, it is not only God who has a part to play during the waiting time. You, too, must do your part specifically as He reveals unto you. Actually, He has given some preparation wisdom to you by inherent sense; He might not reveal such things to you but He will expect you to do them. If God has called you to be President of a nation, learn to speak and write the official language of that country, educate yourself in its history, learn how governments work and learn as much politics as you can. If God has promised you a car, do whatever you can to learn how to drive in addition to acquainting yourself with traffic rules. If you are going to get married, learn the wisdom of marriage. Basically, get all the wisdom that you can about what you have been promised. If you do so, you will ensure the survival and health of the promise whenever it is fulfilled.

Jesus spent 30 years growing in wisdom (Luke 2:40) before He started His ministry. That is why He successfully accomplished His purpose. John the Baptist, whose calling was to make ready the coming of Jesus Christ, spent more than twenty years growing strong in spirit until his manifestation to Israel (Luke 1:80). That is why he was a great success. We must therefore imitate Jesus and John – we must prepare adequately. It is wisdom to know that preparation time is never wasted time.

Wait, therefore, on the Lord until the fullness of time when your promise will be mature enough to be birthed and when the environment will be suitable for its sustenance. Give God time to work on your behalf. If you give in to the temptation of hurrying things up, the ‘baby’ might die immediately or later, or it might survive but with issues that will cause you a lot of pain in the future.

God bless you.