Other than loving their fellow brethren, the other thing that is characteristic of true lovers of Jesus is their sincere desire of His return. No bride who truly loves her groom who has travelled can neither wish him a longer absence, nor be indifferent about it. You cannot encounter the real Jesus of Nazareth and not wish that He returns to earth ‘asap’.

When in Revelation 22:20 Jesus told John that, “Surely I am coming quickly,” John excitedly responded with an ‘amen’ (so be it) before quickly adding, “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” John truly loved the Lord, and therefore loved His quick return. Paul also dearly loved the Lord. That is why he could pray saying, “O Lord, come!” (1 Corinthians 16:22b). Interestingly, John and Paul did not think they were the only ones who loved or would ever love the Lord and therefore only they wished Him a quick return. John in Revelation 22:17 saw a people who would sincerely say “Come” to Jesus. Even Paul prophetically saw a people who, like him, would be given crowns by the Lord because they loved His return (2 Timothy 4:8). This means that John and Paul are not in an exclusive club of super-spiritual guys who loved Jesus to an extent we cannot attain. We too can definitely love Jesus and eagerly look forward to His coming.

It really saddens the heart of God that we His children do not wish Him to return quickly. Even worse, very many of us do not want Him to return at all! Yet we daily confess how much we love Him. Hypocrites are we! Because we are hypocrites, we do not even understand what we are saying when we pray, “May Your kingdom come.” Our understanding of ‘may Your kingdom come’ is light years from what Jesus meant when He taught us to pray thus. We have deceived ourselves that it only means Christians influencing people and society at large. The (Bible) truth of the matter is that the prayer “Your kingdom come” first and foremost means literally what it says – Jesus the King to return on earth to establish His kingdom. The hypocrites we are, who do not love the King and His return, should therefore stop praying that prayer now that we know what it really means. However, for those who perhaps by virtue of this message have  repented and decided to really love the Lord and wish Him a quick return, please do not stop praying, “God, may Your Kingdom and its King come quickly”. And when He returns, He will give you a crown of righteousness (because you sincerely loved His coming), and you shall reign with Him because you loved Him and His Kingdom more than this world and its lusts.

God bless you.