We have seen that as far as building God’s house (church) that He told me about on 2nd November 2000 is concerned, we are doing very well. How we have managed to do so is what we shall remind ourselves of today, so that we finish well what we began, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In March 2019, I felt we needed to review the fact that Jesus is all that LAT is about. I therefore started preparing a sermon entitled “Revisiting Our Christ-centric Vision”, using the scripture “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). That night, I had this dream which confirmed that indeed I was to preach that message.

I was a teacher in a school. I was simultaneously teaching different students who were in different classrooms. I would speak a word or phrase to students in one room, then run to other classes and tell them the same thing. I would then run back to the first class and pick up the sentence from where I left off; then again run to the other classes and tell them the same thing. Some of the students were older than others, while some were newcomers. Towards the end of the dream, I recognized that the topic of the lesson was: “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Then I awoke. By this dream, God was not only confirming the sermon I was preparing, but also telling us that we all needed to be on the same page regarding our vision which is nothing else but “Jesus”.

After preaching that message that Sunday, I started preparing ‘Part 2’ which I would call “Jesus at The Centre”. To my surprise, that Thursday, Carol Busingye, who had no idea what I was planning to preach, dreamt that she was at church preaching to us a message entitled “Jesus at the Centre” – the same title I had given to my sermon! Here is Carol’s dream:

I was at church. I was not the preacher for the day but the person leading the service called on me to preach. I wasn’t prepared, obviously, and as I walked to the pulpit, Pastor asked me if I was okay, if I could handle…he could do the preaching if I couldn’t handle. I said I was fine and would do it. I started to preach. During the preaching, I kept wondering if I was preaching what Pastor had wanted me to preach or if I was off course. As the dream ended, I saw that the topic for the day was “Jesus”. It was broadcast on a small screen suspended above Pastor’s head, which (the screen), hadn’t been there before. The message I shared was entitled “Jesus at the Centre.” I was therefore relieved that the message wasn’t off. Then the dream ended.

Two years after those dreams and sermons about our need to be Jesus-centred, another dream came from God. In that dream which I had on 23rd January 2021, I found myself in the company of Pastors Joseph Serwadda and Michale Kyazze. I told them that I attend a church called “The One Thing Church”. That one Thing was of course Jesus Christ. This dream meant that indeed we were recognized in the spirit as being Jesus-centred in everything we were doing. Hallelujah!

All this is meant to answer the question of how have we managed this far to build well God’s house. We have managed this far to build well God’s house that He told me about in November 2000, by only doing what He instructs us to do, and seeking to glorify His Son Jesus Christ in all our endeavors.

Let us continually seek to be “The One Thing (Jesus) Church”.  That way, what we are building will indeed soon become what He has always had in mind – a house of the Lord of great magnificence, and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations (1 Chronicles 22:5). And we shall be eternally rewarded for that.

God bless you.