Sometime ago, God showed us by a vivid dream the spiritual danger of singing a certain kingdom anthem. The authenticity and truthfulness of this warning was reinforced by a real life experience I told you about: demons verbally confessed to have regained access to, and entry into a certain young lady who was going through deliverance sessions when that kingdom anthem was sang at a traditional marriage introduction ceremony!

Now, last Sunday, after a friend of mine read in the newspapers about the death of the mother of a certain king’s son, he had this dream:

I found myself in a house where some man had entered to embalm the body of a late king. The man uncovered the body from the casket placed on a table. My left hand in a glove had been resting on the table. I then felt an invisible force pulling my hand towards the body of the dead king. I started praying and calling out the name of Jesus as I struggled to pull my hand against the force that was pulling it towards the dead king.

Then, suddenly the dead king sat up on the table, (but I knew he was dead). He then walked around looking for people to grab. All this time, I was praying in tongues and calling on the name of Jesus. As long as I was calling on the name of Jesus, the dead king was powerless to come close to me. Then he suddenly turned to embrace me! I called on the name of Jesus and drew away from the dead man as I run away.

Please note that the royals in the newspaper article and in the dream are all of the kingdom whose anthem God warned us not to sing.

The purpose of this writing is to warn us to tread carefully when it comes to things to do with our tribal customs, beliefs, and practices, however innocent they may seem. I don’t know of any kingdom in Uganda that is rooted in Jesus, even when its leaders call themselves Christians. What is always done openly and secretly at these kingdom functions is evidently satanic and anti-Jesus. Therefore, whichever tribe you are, be very careful with your beliefs, customs, and practices. You might be putting yourself and those coming after you in demonic bondage that will cause unnecessary suffering in this world.

God bless you.