Surely God has good plans for every one of us this year. But for some of those good plans to manifest, we need to cooperate with God by being in persistent prayer. This word of the Lord was received by Joan Isoke in a dream on Thursday 25th January 2024. Here is Joan’s dream in her own words:

I was standing in front of church, getting ready to preach. Then I told the congregation that the sermon for the day was titled PUSH, an acronym which stands for “Pray Until Something Happens”. Afterwards, I told the congregation to open their Bibles to 1 Thessalonians 5:17 which says, “Pray without ceasing.”

Joan’s dream cannot be any clearer. There are things for which we must pray without ceasing until they happen. This is God’s loving message to every one of us. Therefore, we must take it seriously if we want to see the goodness of God this year. You see, God loves our church, and wants to do us good. That is why He has now given us a strategy by which we shall see His goodness. That strategy is very simple – PUSH, pray until something happens. Our good Father who has instructed us to PUSH is committed to hearing and answering our prayers.

In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus used a parable to teach and encourage us not to lose heart in prayer. He did not give this parable to say that God was like the unjust judge, but ‘unlike’ him. God loves to answer our prayers, and even helps us when we pray. God is by our side when we pray, not against us (as the unjust judge was against the widow).

God bless you.

PS: This week we shall not have our Thursday prayer meeting. However, get time and PUSH.