Last Sunday was a bad day for us as a church, because we didn’t congregate as we usually do for our church service. This was because our landlords acted unfaithfully towards us. But all this worked for our good, because it gave God an opportunity to inform us that He is working on us having our own church building one day, and that we should continue P-U-S-H-ing.

Concerning owning a church building, God sent this message to Engineer Samuel Isoke’s little girl Nkwanzi on Sunday morning. It is worth noting that by the time Nkwanzi went to bed on Saturday, she did not know that we were not going to have a church service. When she woke up and was told by her parents that we were not going to have church, she immediately narrated a dream she had received. Here is Nkwanzi’s dream:

I dreamt when we were coming out of Nob View Hotel building, and I told mummy that I had a dream. In the dream, Pastor Moses started to construct a building and he said that that’s where we were going to be praying from. He was building it slowly by slowly. When it was done, mummy said that it was beautiful. On the outside, it didn’t look very nice to me because I could see the bricks since the wall wasn’t plastered or painted yet.

So, whether our landlords mess us up again or not, let us rest in knowing that God is working on giving LAT her own church premises. To Him be all the glory.

Concerning us continuing to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens), God in an amazing way gave this message to Teddy Kobusinge. On Sunday, Teddy visited a certain church that was preaching about P-U-S-H-ing! They even had the acronym PUSH projected on the screen. I believe that God was not only confirming to Teddy that she should continue PUSH-ing, but also to all of us.

Our church building is coming, and so are the things you are praying to God about. Do not stop praying until something happens.

God bless you.