At the beginning of the year, God commanded us to pray for our needs and church, until something happens. It is worth obeying this instruction because “. . . God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love” (Hebrews 6:10), He is a rewarder (Hebrews 11:6), and will therefore reward those who obey Him to the end.

On two occasions last year, God spoke to us in dreams concerning the spiritual state of our church. He used the metaphors of a mechanically perfect car engine, and that of very fertile soil, to describe our condition. Then this year, as I sought Him on what to preach on Sunday 14th April 2024, I felt He wanted me to tell you that, “I am going to reward you for not messing up the car engine, and for making LAT a fertile ground suitable for growth.” And that is exactly what I preached.

Now, we must all have heard Mrs. Joan Isoke’s very amazing dream and testimony that confirms that indeed God is a rewarder, and He is going to reward us. If you haven’t heard that testimony, I beg you to please listen to the sermons of 28th May and 5th April 2024. By that testimony God has unequivocally affirmed to us that we deserve rewards from Him.

This should now encourage us to see through the command He gave us on 25th January 2024 to pray unceasingly for our church (my emphasis today), until something happens. A reward awaits those who will continue to take this instruction seriously. As you are aware, according to Dennis Mugimba’s 12th April dream, we are a very short “distance” away from getting to the manifestation of our PUSH-ing for our church.

God bless you.