Once upon a time, there lived a girl who was possessed by a spirit of divination. She appointed herself as the herald of two preachers. By that evil spirit, she told crowds that the preachers should be listened to because they are servants of the Most High God. However, one of the preachers got spiritually disturbed by this girl and cast out the spirit of divination.

Read more: The Inner Witness: A Safeguard Against Last Day Deception (14th Feb 2018)

On Monday the 5th of February, Joan Isoke dreamt that she was attending a fellowship. A lady preacher introduced her sermon: Discerning the Lord’s Body. Though Joan did not attend the service on Sunday, she knew this was exactly what had been preached. The preacher asked what people thought discerning the Lord’s body meant. Excitedly, Joan stood up and said, “Surely, LAT members already know this.” A woman then walked up to her and gave her money in appreciation of the fact that LAT accurately hears from the Lord.

Read more: God’s Calling: You and Your Country (7th Feb 2018)