At the start of every year, there is always an inexplicable energy in the atmosphere that gives people resolve to achieve their goals. How this energy comes about is a mystery. The sad thing about this energy is that it appears to dissipate as February draws nigh. Allow me to offer advice on how you can maximize that energy while it remains, so that, throughout the months that follow, you can maintain the resolve to achieve all that you have set out to achieve.

Read more: Wait on the LORD (3rd Jan 2018)

As the year comes to an end, I would like to thank every one of you for making LAT a huge success. As I have often said, it is a miracle that LAT still exists. But the even greater miracle is its vibrant health. In partnership with you, God has not only kept LAT on the map, but kept it in peace, and in spiritual and financial health. You have been a part of this success, and deserve a ‘thank you’ not only from the Chief Shepherd, but also from me His under shepherd.

Read more: Thank You (20th - December - 2017)