Immediately after the service of 16th April 2017, Robin Nanyanzi, now Mrs. Sendaula, came and told me that she had cried during my sermon. In that touching sermon (The Father of Jesus (16th - April - 2017) (, I demonstrated from the Scriptures that God is our Father and He dearly loves us in the same measure that He loves His Son Jesus. Fast-forward six years later last Sunday, it was this same Robin that was divinely and providentially used by God as He demonstrated His caring father-nature to us.

Read more: God is Our Caring Father (21st Jun 2023)

Yesterday the 13th of June 2023 I woke up from a good dream concerning our church Last Adam Tabernacle (LAT), which dream I believe was from God. In this dream, I was told that there are some members of LAT (who were not specified), who were going to be appointed to high government positions just like it has been with Deliverance Church (DC) for quite a while. I was also told in the dream that these appointments were not going to be made in the distant future but rather soon. Also, a short conversation I had with Mrs. Joan Isoke a few years ago came up in the dream. In that conversation, Joan was asking me why Deliverance Church members often get appointed into key government offices. Her conclusion was that DC has a “leadership anointing.”

Read more: Entering Our Promised Land, Part 19 (14th Jun 2023)

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