While pondering what to share this week, a friend of mine sent me the article "Expose homosexuality and its evil! Let us protect our country for God!" which I had actually read weeks ago on social media. Given the title of the article, and because I was seeking God about what to write, I felt like God was speaking to me to "Expose Homosexuality...." Therefore, our Word for the Week is the article "Expose Homosexuality...." whose author chose to remain anonymous, and the date it was written is unavailable, but I know it was sometime before August 2014 . I have decided not to edit it, but I hope you will be able to understand what was not written clearly.

Read more: Expose Homosexuality and Its Evil! Let us Protect Our Country for God! (7th Jun 2023)

In the wake of President Yoweri Museveni’s signing into law the Anti-homosexuality Bill and the unfortunate negative response of the Western world, I am reminded of a dream I had five years ago, which I shared on this platform. On 12th January 2018, I dreamt that some people and I, together with my then seven year old daughter Eden, were seated at a table with Apostle John Mulinde. He then told us, “Western Europe is again going to do something that will negatively impact Uganda’s economy. Get ready not to live a great life, but a greater life!” Then to illustrate a point, Mulinde asked for Eden, who I carried onto the table as I said that, “She can sing.” Mulinde then put something in her mouth. Eden failed to sing not only because of the discomfort, but also because the thing that was put in her mouth could not let her do so. Therefore, that thing that had been put in her mouth was removed. Then I awoke.

Read more: Entering Our Promised Land, Part 18 (31st May 2023)

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