In the Bible, rains were always a blessing from God – a reward of obedience and faithfulness. According to a dream Dr. Dennis Mugimba had on Sunday, God is going to send Monsoon rains to LAT. The implication being that we have been pleasing to the God who rewards faithfulness with goodness.

Here is the dream:

I was with Pr. Moses and other members of LAT in a park with many cottages. A showcasing of very beautiful Chinese products was taking place there. Our tour guides were smartly dressed Chinese. The last cottage we visited had a couple and their children. The lady testified to us how God had made them prosperous.

When it was time to leave the park, Pr. Moses and I walked towards the gate but the rest of the members lingered in the park. The guard lowered the gate saying that the rest can squeeze themselves below when exiting. I told him that the space below was too tight for people to fit; so he raised the gate a little more.

As Pastor and I waited for our bus by the roadside, the members that had lingered behind joined us. It's at this time that I realized that we had with us play items such as balls.

Then one of the tour guides walked over to Pr. Moses and said, "Prepare to receive the Monsoon rains.” I could tell that the message was not for Pr. Moses alone but the whole group of LAT members. Then the dream ended.

I believe the dream is self-explanatory. Showers of blessing are once again coming to you and me. Therefore, we must all prepare to receive them. The preparations we are to make vary from individual to individual. For that matter, each one of us should seek God for instructions on how to get ready to receive the blessings He has for us.

By the way, according to Dennis, Monsoon rains begin around August. It is possible that God used Monsoon rains in the dream to point to when His showers of blessing will start pouring down on LAT. August is a few days away, and August 31st is when our church started five years ago.

God bless you.