Hello everyone. This week I am going to share a slightly edited WhatsApp conversation I had with a wonderful saint whom I will call Abigail. It is a testimony concerning the gift of giving. I pray it blesses you as it did me, Abigail, and my ‘co-gossip’ Sam Muwanga.

[7/19] Moses: On Wednesday I was with Sam Muwanga and we talked about the gift of giving. I gave him two examples of people whom I believe have that gift: you Abigail and me. I told Sam, "Based on the little I have seen and heard about Abigail, she seems the type who cannot rest until she has given away whatever monies she has on her. That is how people with the gift of giving are."

Now, today Thursday, my wife and I completed the second phase of our building project. When I visited the site, I felt very sorry for the ladies who prepare food for the builders. They sell each plate at 2K. Since the little work to be done today before we break off required only 2 builders, these 3 ladies made only 4K. I was so saddened by this (a true mark of a person with a gift of giving) especially because until we get more money to resume construction, they will not make any more money bambi! So, I called them and freely gave them 34K out of the 54K I had. 34K for a person who gets 2K per plate of food is a big deal. Remember, the 2K is capital+profit!

When the 34K went, I knew God was so pleased and He would ensure that I don't see financial depression. He started reminding me of: 1) the lady who blessed Elisha, 2) the Philippians who gave to Paul, 3) Cornelius in Acts 10, and 4) Tabitha in Acts 9.

Then I went to lead the Thursday prayers at church. When they ended, your friend handed me an envelope with MOB DIMES from you – after Sam and I had gossiped about you yesterday that you have a gift of giving. Coincidence? No. 1) It was to confirm our gossip that you have the authentic gift of giving. 2) It was to bless your heart when you realize (by this message) that you were in the spirit when you 'filled' and sent me the handsome envelope. 3) It confirmed that my thoughts after parting with the 34K were from God.

May God bless you fellow giver. Your obedience saw to it that the promise God gave me in 1999 would be fulfilled - never to see financial depression IF I joyfully exercise my God-given gift of giving. May the same happen to you with whom we have a gift in common. Hallelujah.

[7/19, 08:55] Abigail: Amen.

[7/19, 08:55] Abigail: So tears are flowing right now.

[7/19, 08:55] Abigail: Indeed this is of God

[7/19, 08:59] Abigail: I received some money. At first I thought I would give some of it to you when I next see you, but then I felt restless; so I wrote and put it in the envelope for a day. Then I hoped my friend would be heading to your church. When she said she would, I decided the money had to go yesterday. I can't explain how unsettled I felt till it went.

Thanks for this. It has blessed me a lot; I will re-read it and write it down.

[7/19, 09:24] Moses: Restlessness...since the day Sam and I were 'gossiping' about you

[7/19, 09:25] Moses: The restlessness that often characterizes givers when they get money😊.

          -    - End of conversation -    -

My question to you reader is: Do you have the gift of giving? If so, put it to work. You will be blessed when you do. If you believe you do not have this gift, ask God for it. Perhaps He will give it to you. In the meantime, give as best as you can. When you joyfully do so, you will never see financial depression in your life.

God bless you.